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Ugo Lucio BORGA

Ugo Lucio Borga (b. 1972, Italy) is an award winning photojournalist and writer focusing on war reporting, humanitarian and social features throughout Africa, Asia, South America, Middle East, Europe.

His articles and reportage have appeared on many newspapers, magazines, tv and radio including TIME (USA), The Guardian, The Observer, The Independent (England), Die Zeit, Die Welt, Frankfurter Rundschau, Brigitte, Cicero (Germany), La Vanguardia Magazine (Spain),La Croix, Courrier international (France), Die Presse (Austria),Tyzden (Slovakia), Haaretz, Gazeta Wyborcza (Poland), Alpha Magazine,(UAE), Africa Magazine, Diario, l’Espresso, il Manifesto, il Giornale, Il Sole24Ore, GQ, Nigrizia,Vps, Panorama, PeaceReporter, Rolling Stone, il Riformista, Sportweek, la Stampa, Topolino, Vanity Fair, il Venerdi di Repubblica, il Corriere della sera, Lotta continua, Mondadori (strade blu), Rai3,Rainews24,sky tg24 jetlag,Channel4, Radio24, RadioRSI

He has reported extensively from countries such as Syria, Lybia, Somalia, RDC, RCA, Rwanda, Kosovo, Mali, Guinea, Sry Lanka, Indonesia,covering, among others, the Arab Spring, the civil war in RDC, RCA, Somalia, Lybia, Syria, and the religious clashes emergency in Northern Lebanon . In 2009, his exclusive feature documentary on the Somali war appeared on Channel 4.

He received the first prize at the 2011 Novinarska Cena journalism award for a series of stories on rebels during the Libyan war.


In the name of Go(l)d – Centrafrican Republic's war | Paola Meliga Gallery Torino Italie

- Festival della Fotografia Etica di Lodi | In the name of gold
- "Furiarum Aera" | Metlevi LAB Crema
- "Furiarum Aera" | Paratissima 2015 per La Stampa Torino
- FuriarumAerea | Palazzo Mazzetti Asti a cura di Domenico Quirico.

- Soldat 1 The Ukrainen's war | Paola Meliga Gallery | Turin Italie


- Il Sudario di Latta – Taccuini di Guerra | Editore: I Faggi
- Soldat 1 Guerra in Ucraina | Editore Musumeci

He received the first prize at the 2011 Novinarska Cena journalism award for a series of
stories on rebels during the Libyan war.














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